Government, at all levels, spends trillions of tax dollars each year on goods and services. The increasing complex interplay of acquiring, maintaining, and securing these goods and services remains a fundamental supporting activity. To do so government acquisition must be managed and secured in an effective and efficient manner throughout the entire acquisition cycle, from requirements development, through sustainment and disposal.
Learn More about Improving the Practice of Public Sector Acquisition
The increasing integration of technology into the complex human processes they support poses a growing challenge to policy makers. While governments have increasingly focused on the range of strategic impacts cyber-attacks can generate, including significant disruptions to critical infrastructure, policy makers have struggled with ways to quantify risk these systems generate. This challenge arises in part by the inability to assess strategic impact across many independent but related organizations that support critical public services, as well as data to address the likelihood these events might occur.
Learn More about Identification and Management of Cyber Risk in Complex Organizations and Critical Infrastructure
How can policymakers tackle governance challenges in the face of rapid technological change?
Learn More about Governing Emerging Technologies in the 21st Century